Five Reasons why React Native Is The Future Of Mobile App Development

Post Date: February 5, 2019   Tags: ,    Author: Arun Laxman  
React native for mobile app development-texol blog

Back in the days, Mobile App developers didn’t have much of a choice. Android developers had to build apps using Android Studio(Java / Kotlin) and iOS developers had use Apple Xcode (swift, c) for app development. Then hybrid app development platforms took the tech world by storm. All of sudden, you have multiple options to develop your mobile applications. Currently, there are quite a few number of Hybrid app development platforms. But the one that stands on top of them all is “React Native” which is backed by Facebook. Let us go through what makes React Native so special and how can it actually improve developer productivity.

1. Faster Development

Every organization tries to keep the costs down for the man-hours spent on developing a project. Well, React Native does exactly just that. With react, you only need to write the code once. The code can be shared for both iOS and Android application. So there is no need to develop two separate Native apps for both Android and iOS.

2. Elegant UI

React Native allows developers to style the User Interface any way they want. The UI development is somewhat similar to CSS styling so that most of the web developers can catch up easily. Popular mobile applications like Facebook and Instagram are built using React Native. And on top of that, there are plenty of reusable components that are available on the internet for faster development.

3. Lightweight

If you have worked with android studio, you might have faced the frustration of android studio consuming large amount of resources and slowing down the operations. Android studio requires a well-specced computer for a lag-free development. But that is not the case with React Native, it is extremely lightweight and can run on almost everywhere. It is quite easier to set up too.

4. Access to Native features out of the box

One of the major areas other cross-platform applications failed to shine was the limitations in using Native features like camera, GPS, etc. But React Native supports access to Native features out of the box. It is very seamless so that you will not be able to tell the difference between a Native app and a React Native app.If you are in the market for superclone Replica Rolex , Super Clone Rolex is the place to go! The largest collection of fake Rolex watches online!

5. Live Reload

Last but not the least, our favorite feature about React native is the Live Reload feature. When you save the changes to a source file, it immediately reflects in the mobile application when connected with computer for testing purposes. There is no need to compile, build and install a new APK for each changes. All you need is a “Ctrl + s” and you can preview the changes instantly on your connected device.

Final Thoughts:

These are just a few among many cool features about React native. React Native makes a mobile application developer’s life a lot easier and halves the time and effort required for building an elegant android or iOS application. At texol, we develop mobile applications on React native platform which keeps our development costs to minimum. Our customers also directly benefit from the reduced time and effort for developing a mobile application.