TSEEP (Texol Skill Enhancement Employability Program)

The past few years has seen a rapid increase of disparity between the availability of readily employable fresh bachelor graduates and the demand for the same, with more and more students attending higher education the same has not translated to top class employable prospects coming forward to fill up spots left in the market workforce. The volatile nature of the market and environment demands individuals who are armed with the latest know-hows with regards to certain methodologies to do tasks, the harsh truth has been that graduates have not been able to access such knowledge at the right time prior to first time employment. This has sadly led to mismatch of placement of employees with regards to their aptitude and skill-levels and the tasks they are required to do.
Role of TSEEP
Role of TSEEP is to fill these gaps and lapses to help plug the gap between the required aptitude and skill a certain individual must have to do a certain task and the actual ceiling of requirement of that specific task.
The aim is to use the experienced workforce of TEXOL to provide candidates with their needs to excel which would ultimately push out more capable individuals who are ready from day one to fit into any team environment and atmosphere with incredible adaptability to the necessary situational changes.
A TSEEP Framework
A TSEEP Framework has been formulated which follows a meticulously designed process structure that will enable a fool-proof method of molding of an individual to reach their skill ceiling with detailed syllabus laid out holding necessary subjects with regards to what is needed at the specific time or will be of need in the near future.
A Project Team
A Project Team structure will be put forth which would give candidates hands on experience on tackling day to day activities, all while under the supervision of a TEXOL mentor to ensure full enforcement of productivity. This program also follows the SFIA (Skills Framework for the Information Age) Framework, a tried and tested skill induction methodology that will be coupled with a method of continuous evaluation to ensure that each and every candidate will have immediate response and rectification of errors to provide maximum optimization and utilization of time and resources to provide pristine end result.