TSEEP is greatly influenced by the globally recognized SFIA Framework. The SFIA (The Skills Framework for the Information Age) Framework first published around 2000, with a provenance dating back to the 1980s, has become the globally accepted common language for the skills and competencies required in the information and communication technology, software engineering, and the digital world.
The collaborative development style of open consultation and input from people with real practical experience of skills management in all environments has resulted in the adoption of SFIA by thousands of organizations and individuals in nearly 200 countries.
TSEEP programs for
The MERN stack is a combination of MongoDB, Express JS, React JS, and Node JS., all technologies based on JavaScript, used to build advanced web applications. It is an open-source development framework.
What We Offer
- Learn to build robust, data-driven, full-stack web applications from scratch.
- Build React CRUD application from start to finish with MongoDB, ExpressJS, React, NodeJS.
- Learn Modern React 16.8+ Including Hooks, Context API, Full Stack MERN & Redux By Building Real Projects.
- Learn Redux From Scratch.
- Build a full stack MERN application with a custom Express backend API that uses JWT (JSON Web Token) for authentication.
- HTML basics
- CSS basics
- JS basics
WordPress is the most popular and easiest website creation platform. From simple blogging to e-commerce and business websites, WordPress is a versatile Content management system (CMS).
What we offer
- Custom theme development.
- Theme customization.
- Opportunity to work in live projects.
- HTML and CSS (Basics)
- Javascript/jQuery basics
- PHP (Basics)
User interface design or user interface engineering is the design of user interfaces for computers, mobile devices, and other electronic devices, with the focus on usability and the user experience.
What we offer
- Training tools and technics for designing software
- Editing tutorials for easy designing and Applying tools to create projects
- Customer analysis and Design research
- Branding and graphic development
- User guides and storylines
- UI prototyping
- Interactivity and animation
- Implementation with developer